Nurse Aide
How do I transfer (request reciprocity) my nurse aide certification from one state to another?
The reciprocity process allows for an aide who is certified on a Nurse Aide Registry in one state to transfer the certification to another state.
To transfer TO Louisiana:
You must be active and in good standing in all states you are currently certified in.
Effective July 1, 2018, Prometric will handle the processing of reciprocity applications for Louisiana.
Please read the "Reciprocity Procedure" before submitting the application to Prometric. You must submit payment with the application, along with a legible copy (clear enough to be read) of your social security card and official Louisiana identification (ID card, driver's license, etc.). A military ID is acceptable. Also, if the CNA lives within a 30 mile radius of the LA border, a LA ID will not be required.
Mail all required information to this address:
ATTN: LA Nurse Aide Program
7941 Corporate Drive
Nottingham, MD 21236
To transfer FROM Louisiana to another state:
A nurse aide certified in Louisiana, who wishes to transfer certification to another state , must contact the Nurse Aide Registry of the state transferring to for their reciprocity application and/or requirements.
The directory of state registries will provide the contact information for each state's Nurse Aide Registry.
The LA Nurse Aide Registry does not complete Reciprocity forms for other states. The required information can be printed from the public Registry look up page. Reciprocity forms received will be returned to the applicant.
The LA Nurse Aide Registry does not have records of, or access to, a CNA’s original certificate, transcript, certification examination scores, etc. If this information is required to complete the reciprocity process, the CNA must contact their training facility, not the LA Nurse Aide Registry.
How do I schedule my competency exam after I finish my training or retest for certification?
Effective July 1, 2018, all trainees must successfully complete the competency examination in order to be certified to the LA Nurse Aide Registry.
Prometric is the testing company that will provide the standardized test. This will ensure all trainees have met the minimum requrements to be certified in the state of LA.
The Prometric website for LA can be accessed here.
The Candidate Information Bulletin will provide detailed instructions and sample test questions.
The application must be submitted with payment in order to schedule your examination.
How do I report or verify work history for nurse aides?
Providers/agencies who do NOT have a facility code:
Work history must be submitted by the provider on official letterhead. It shall be signed and dated by the administrator or designee. It must be mailed or emailed; faxes will not be accepted. The following information is required:
the name, social security number, date of birth, address, e-mail address, and phone number of the aide
the date (month, day, and year) the aide began working and the date (month, day, and year) the aide last worked
the specific nursing and nurse-related duties performed by the aide
the name, address, phone number, and provider license number of the agency reporting the work history
the name and title of the individual reporting the work history
Providers/agencies who DO have a facility code:
Work history is reported using the NAT-7 Form. It can be mailed or emailed to the Registry; faxes will not be accepted. Nursing homes are required to electronically submit work history via the eNAT-7 in LARS.
CNA’s employed through staffing agencies:
Staffing agency employment is ONLY accepted for work performed in a nursing home. It may not be submitted by the staffing agency; the nursing home must submit to the Nurse Aide Registry using the NAT-7SA Form. It can be mailed or emailed to the Registry; faxes will not be accepted.
Nursing homes are required to submit CNA's employed through staffing agencies monthly. Please see the requirements regarding work history reporting for NH's per the LA Administrative Code, Title 48:1, Subpart 3, Chapter 97, Section 9757 C.
LA Nurse Aide Registry
PO Box 3767 or
Baton Rouge, LA 70821
See other FAQ's:
“What is the nurse aide certification period and what are the requirements to retain certification?”
“How do I obtain a facility code for my agency?”
How do I obtain a facility code for my agency?
To be eligible for a facility code:
- Facility must be licensed by the LDH;
- Must submit detailed description of ALL nursing and nursing-related duties; and
- Must have at least 2 individuals authorized to sign.
Complete and submit Designated Signature Form. Email the original form, completed in its entirety, to
- Must include administrator as a Designated Signer;
- Facility code is not applicable if applying for a code;
- State ID is found on the provider license issued by LDH.
The form will be reviewed to determine whether your agency meets the criteria necessary to be assigned a facility code by the Louisiana Nurse Aide Registry:
- Facilities not licensed as a healthcare provider by the LDH (including staffing agencies) will be denied;
- Lack of sufficient nursing and nursing-related duties will be denied;
- Incomplete Designated Signature Forms will be denied.
The registry will send email notification of approval or denial of approval of facility code.
C ompletion of the "Designated Signature Form” and approval of a facility codes indicates you agree to adhere to all policies and procedures, including:
- Your facility will only submit the NAT-7 form for CNA's that have worked at least eight (8) hours, not including orientation;
- Your facility will submit the NAT-7 form for all CNA's that are eligible (as noted above);
- Your facility will submit the NAT-7 form immediately upon termination (regardless of the reason for seperation);
- The NAT-7 form shall be emailed to the registry;
- The NAT-7 form will be kept secure; and
- The NAT-7 form will not be provided to employees.
How do I verify nurse aide certification?
a. Select "Nurse Aide Registry/Direct Service Worker Registry"
c. Enter the "social security number" only.
* You must enter the dashes in the social security number.
* Scroll to the bottom of the page to see your information.
2. If you are having problems accessing the website as instructed above, please call the registry at (225)
342-0138 to report a problem.
What is the nurse aide certification period and what are the requirements to retain certification?
Nurse aides are certified for 2 years, beginning with the certification date.
Nurse aides are required to work at least 8 hours during every 24 month period (2 years) once certified. The 8 hours must include "nursing or nurse related" duties and should have been performed in approved settings such as: nursing homes, hospitals, home health agencies, personal care attendant agencies, assisted living programs, hospice agencies, respite agencies, supervised independent living agencies, adult day health care programs and intermediate care facilities for the developmentally disabled (ICF/DD) programs).
Approved settings must be licensed by the state of LA in order for work history to be accepted. Private duty sitting and employment through staffing agencies are NOT accepted (see exception for nursing homes in FAQ "How do I report or verify work history for nurse aides?").
NOTE: Duties performed in schools serving children with special needs, work in correctional facilities caring for patients, supervised independent living agencies, adult day health care programs, supported employment and intermediate care facilities for the developmentally disabled (ICF/DD) programs) may be reviewed to determine whether they meet the established criteria.
1. If certification is lost because the nurse aide does not have the required work history, the nurse aide may retest (within 2 years) or complete another Nurse Aide Training Program (provided there is no other reason which would prohibit recertification). Aides may go to to find out if they are eligible to retest and get instructions for retesting.
2. If certification is lost because the nurse aide has the required work history but it has not been reported to the registry (regardless of the reason), that work history may be submitted to the registry in accordance with the instructions outlined in "How do I report or verify work history for aides?" on this FAQ page.