It is with great pleasure that [Company Name] offers you the position of [job title]. You will be reporting to [Name, Title], and your start date is scheduled for [date].
This is a full-time [exempt position that is not eligible for overtime/nonexempt position eligible for overtime pay after 40 hours in a workweek (include any relevant state daily OT requirements here)]. We are offering you a starting base wage of $______ [per hour, week] paid [biweekly, semimonthly, etc.].
In addition, your compensation package includes the following (these details are for information purposes and are subject to any policy or plan changes) options:
Eligibility to participate in the company incentive bonus program, subject to the terms and conditions specified in the incentive bonus plan document.
An option for company stock, subject to approval by the Board of Directors and the terms of the company's stock option plan.
Eligibility for health and dental coverage, 401(k) plan and flexible spending accounts, subject to plan terms.
Eligibility for company-paid benefits such as life insurance, short- and long-term disability and long-term care, subject to applicable waiting periods.
Paid time off (PTO) earned on an accrual basis.
This job offer is contingent upon the following:
[insert any or all of the following:]
Completion of a satisfactory background check.
Passing a drug test.
Satisfactory reference checks.
Execution of an employment/noncompete/confidentiality agreement.
Obtaining _____ level security clearance.
Obtaining ____ certification/licensure.
[If applicable, add:
Once the above contingencies are successfully completed, this job offer will also be contingent upon receipt of results of a satisfactory physical examination designed solely to determine your physical ability to perform the duties of the position being offered to you.]
On your first day, you will be given an orientation by Human Resources. This orientation will include completing employment forms, reviewing fringe benefits, introduction to management and touring the premises. Please bring appropriate documentation for the completion of your new-hire forms, including proof that you are presently eligible to work in the United States for I-9 Form purposes. Failure to provide appropriate documentation within three days of hire will result in immediate termination of employment in accordance with the terms of the Immigration Reform and Control Act.
Please indicate your acceptance of our offer by signing below and returning one copy of the letter, with your original signature, to me no later than [date]. If you have any questions about this offer, please contact [Name, Title] at [phone and e-mail].
We look forward to having you as part of our team and believe you will find this opportunity both challenging and rewarding.
[Insert name]
[Insert title]
I have read and understood the provisions of this offer of employment, and I accept the above conditional job offer. I understand that my employment with [Company Name] is considered at will, meaning that either the company or I may terminate this employment relationship at any time with or without cause or notice.
This offer shall remain open until [date]. Any acceptance postmarked after this date will be considered invalid.