CMS National Quality Strategy

With the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) National Quality Strategy, CMS will set and raise the bar for a resilient, high-value health care system that promotes quality outcomes, safety, equity, and accessibility for all individuals, especially for people in historically underserved and under-resourced communities. Quality in Motion: Acting on the CMS National Quality Strategy (PDF) emphasizes connections across the CMS National Quality Strategy and details how CMS is putting quality goals into action through collaborative efforts with key partners.

What is the CMS National Quality Strategy?

CMS leverages a number of approaches to improve health care across the country, including quality measurement; public reporting; value-based payment programs and models; establishing and enforcing health and safety standards; and providing quality improvement technical assistance.

In 2022, the agency launched the CMS National Quality Strategy, an ambitious long-term initiative that aims to promote the highest quality outcomes and safest care for all individuals. The CMS National Quality Strategy focuses on a person-centric approach from birth to end of life as individuals journey across the continuum of care, from home or community-based settings to hospital to post-acute care, and across payer types, including Traditional Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Marketplace coverage.

The CMS National Quality Strategy builds on previous efforts to improve quality across the health care system, incorporates lessons learned from the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE), and addresses the urgent need for transformative action to advance towards a more equitable, safe, and outcomes-based health care system for all individuals.

CMS National Quality Strategy Priority Areas and Goals

The CMS National Quality Strategy has 4 priority areas, each with two goals. Each goal has associated objectives and targets to support successful implementation. Within each goal, we highlight actions in progress to demonstrate current and planned work.

CMS <a href=National Quality Strategy Priority Areas and Goals" width="4323" height="2241" />

Promote Aligned and Improved Health Outcomes

Outcomes: Improve Quality and Health Outcomes Across the Care Journey

Objective: Improve quality in high-priority clinical areas and support services.

Key Actions to Improve Health Outcomes and Health Care Quality:

Objective: Increase alignment by focusing provider and health care system attention on high-priority clinical areas and support services.

Key Actions to Increase Alignment Across Quality Efforts:

Advance Equity and Engagement for All Individuals

Equity: Advance Health Equity and Whole-Person Care

Objective: Reduce health disparities and promote equitable care for all by using standardized methods for collecting, reporting, and analyzing health equity data across CMS quality and value-based programs.

Key Actions to Advance Equity in Health Care Quality and Outcomes:

Objective: Ensure individuals and caregivers have the information needed to make the best choices for their health, as well as a direct, significant, and equitable contribution to how CMS evaluates quality and safety.

Key Actions to Ensure Engagement to Improve Health Care Quality:

Ensure Safe and Resilient Health Care Systems

Safety: Achieve Zero Preventable Harm

Objective: Improve performance on key patient safety metrics through the application of CMS levers such as quality measurement, payment, health and safety standards, and quality improvement support.

Key Actions to Drive Improvements in Safety and Reduce High-Priority Harms:

Objective: Foster a more resilient health care system that is better prepared to respond to future emergencies.

Key Actions to Support Health Care System Resiliency:

Accelerate Interoperability and Scientific Innovation

Interoperability: Accelerate and Support the Transition to a Digital and Data-Driven Health Care System

Objective: Support data standardization and interoperability by developing and expanding requirements for sharing, receipt, and use of digital data, including digital quality measures, across CMS quality and value-based programs.

Key Actions to Promote Interoperability for Quality Efforts:

Objective: Support and drive innovation and access through advanced data analytics and streamlined evidence-based reviews of novel technologies and devices for coverage decisions.

Key Actions to Drive Progress on Scientific Advancement:

Implementing the CMS National Quality Strategy

The success of this Strategy relies on coordination, innovative thinking, and collaboration across all entities. A unified approach brings us all one step closer to the health care system we envision for every individual. Quality in Motion: Acting on the CMS National Quality Strategy (PDF) provides details on how CMS is putting the eight goals into action. Improving health care quality and safety requires a multifaceted approach. Through putting quality in motion, CMS emphasizes connections across the goal areas, CMS’ key actions to advance each goal, and collaborative efforts to align high-quality health care with key partners. This action plan highlights CMS’ three-part call to action on quality:

One lever central to the CMS National Quality Strategy that unifies Traditional Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid & Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage, Marketplace plans, and CMS Innovation Center models and demonstrations is quality measurement. The Meaningful Measure Initiative , active since 2017, remains key to shaping the entire ecosystem of quality measures that drive value-based care. Working as a one of many initiatives and activities under the CMS National Quality Strategy, Meaningful Measures 2.0 promotes innovation and modernization of all aspects of quality measurement, addressing a wide variety of settings, stakeholders, and measurement requirements. Additionally, the “ Universal Foundation ” of quality measures further focuses provider attention, reduce burden, identify disparities in care, prioritize development of interoperable, digital quality measures, allow for cross- comparisons across programs, and help identify measurement gaps by identifying a set of key quality measures to use throughout CMS programs.

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